Booty Blaster Workout

July 29, 2013

Booty Blaster Workout

I know this isn't a quick morning workout like the past few I've posted so far, but what can I say?  There’s no way around it- unless you’ve got freak genetics (and even then) you’ve got to put in the work if you want a lifted and round backside.  No if’s, and’s or but(t)s about it!

This workout should take you between 45 minutes- 1 hour to complete.  You’ll want to take decent rest periods between each set, approximately 60-90 seconds, since these moves will take a lot out of you, but don’t nap between sets!  Keep it moving!

Workout Breakdown


Squat- Using dumbbells (palms facing your body) or an Olympic barbell (with the bar balanced across your upper back and shoulders, using a slight wider than shoulder-width handgrip), flex at the hips and knees, while maintaining a flat back, lower until thighs are parallel to the floor.  Return to starting position by extending from the hips and knees at the same rate while keeping the back straight (not rounded).  Repeat.

Stiff legged deadlift- Grab an Olympic barbell or a pair of dumbbells with an overhand grip (palms facing down).  Stand upright with legs shoulder width apart, or slightly narrower.  With knees slightly bent, back straight, slowly lower the barbell (or dumbbells) over the top of your feet by bending at the hips till your feel a stretch in your hamstrings.  Then bring your torso back up by extending your hips till you are back at starting position.  Repeat.

Db step up-  Grab a pair of dumbbells (palms facing your body).  Place your right foot on an elevated platform.  Step on the platform by extending your right hip and knee, pushing through your heel to lift the rest of your body up.  Place your left foot on the platform.  Step down with the left leg, flexing the hip and knee of your right leg.  Return to original standing position.  Repeat with right leg for reps.  Then repeat entire set with left leg.

Weighted hip thrust- Grab either a barbell or weight plate.  Begin seated on the ground, with a bench directly behind you.  Place the barbell or weight plate directly over your hips.  Lean back against the bench, resting your shoulder blades on it.  Begin the movement by driving through your feet and extending your hips vertically through the bar.  Extend as far as you can, then in a slow and controlled manner, return to starting position.  Repeat.  (I admit this can be an awkward one to do at the gym!  Just don’t make eye contact while you’re mid thrust and you’ll be fine! ha ha).

That’s it!  Hit it hard and you’re one step closer to your best booty ever!

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