Full Body Circuit- 12 minutes

July 8, 2013

Full Body Circuit- 12 minutes
 Got a full day today?  Don’t have time to watch Mr. Lifting Gloves do arm curls in your squat rack?  Then grab a pair of dumbbells and give me 12 minutes.  Push hard- it’s only 12 minutes, after all- and I promise you’ll be sweaty and out of breath by the end.

Unfamiliar with an exercise?  No problem.  Check out the workout breakdown below.

Hit it hard, then enjoy your day!

Workout Breakdown:

Around the world lunges- Step into a forward lunge with your left leg, making sure your left knee does not travel past your left foot.  Lower until your right knee nearly touches the ground. Push through the heel of your left foot and return to starting position.  With that same left leg, step into a side lunge- pushing your glutes back, lunge till shin is vertical to the ground and left knee is in line with left foot. Push through left heel and step back into standing position.  Leading with your left foot again, step back into a backward lunge.  Push through your RIGHT heel this time to return to starting position.  Repeat with right leg.  Note: All three lunges- front, side, and back- count as 1 rep for each leg.

Tuck jumps- Begin by standing with feet shoulder-width apart.  Explosively jump up.  Pull knees to chest, quickly grasp knees with both hands.  Release before landing.  Land in starting position.  Repeat.

Db shoulder press- Grab a pair of dumbbells.  Raise dumbbells to shoulder height, palms facing forward.  Exhale, push the dumbbells straight up till elbows are fully extended.  Pause briefly at the top, then slowly lower the weights back down to starting position.  Repeat.

Db bicep curls- Stand up straight with a dumbbell in each hand at arms length, palms facing out.  Keeping your upper arm (elbows to shoulders) stationary.  Exhale while slowly curling the dumbbells while contracting your biceps.  Continue raising dumbbells till biceps are fully contracted.  Focus on and hold contraction briefly, then inhale and slowly return to starting position.  Repeat.

Tricep kickbacks- Grab a pair of dumbbells.  Hold them with palms facing your body.  Stand with feet shoulder width apart.  Slightly bend your knees, and bring your torso forward, keeping your back straight, head up. Upper arm should be close to torso and parallel to floor while forearm is pointing toward floor (there should be a 90 degree angle between forearm and upper arm).  Keeping upper arm stationary, exhale and use triceps to lift the dumbbells until forearms are parallel to the floor and arms are fully extended.  Brief contraction at top, then inhale and slowly lower dumbbells to starting position.  Repeat.

V-ups- Lie flat on floor on your back with arms and legs extended in a straight line.  Exhale, bend at waist and simultaneously raise your legs and arms to meet in a “v” position.  Legs should be extended and lifted at a 45 degree angle from floor and arms should be parallel to legs and upper torso lifted off the floor.  Repeat.

Workout Breakdown sources:
1) NSCA’s Essentials of Strength Training and Conditioning, 3rd Edition
2) Bodybuilding.com- they also have demonstration videos for many of these exercises if you need further instruction.

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